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Taekwon-Do and Related Links - Page 1


International Taekwon-Do Federation - Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa
The International Taekwon-Do Federation under Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa, son of the founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi.

International Taekwon-Do Federation - Mr. Chang Ung
The International Taekwon-Do Federation under Mr. Chang Ung.

Unified International Taekwon-Do Federation - Grand Master Hwang Kwang Sung
The Unified International Taekwon-Do Federation under Grand Master Hwang Kwang Sung.

International Taekwon-Do Federation - Master Trân Triêu Quân
The International Taekwon-Do Federation under Master Trân Triêu Quân.

World Taekwondo Federation
The WTF is the world's largest Taekwondo organisation. WTF sparring rules are used in the Olympics.

Global Taekwon-Do Federation
GTF was founded by the late Grand Master Park Jung Tae (1944-2002), in March 1990. Grand Master Park was Secretary General of the ITF until 1990.


All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation
Contains news and information on Taekwon-Do tournaments and seminars in European member countries.

Eastern Carribean Taekwon-Do Association
The president of ECTA is Mr. A. E. Mitchell. The member countries of ECTA are Anguilla, Barbados, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago.

Panam Taekwon-Do Federation
Official site of the Pan-American Taekwon-Do Federation.


Island Taekwon-Do Centre
Island Taekwon-Do Centre is affiliated to ITF under Grand Master Choi. Chief Instructor: Mr. Daniel Sng.

SG Taekwon-Do School
SG Taekwon-Do School is one of the ITF-style clubs in Singapore. Chief Instructor: Mr. Kenneth Kuah.

Singapore Taekwondo Federation
Affiliated to the WTF, recognised by the Singapore Sports Council.


Traditional Taekwon-Do Academy
Traditional Taekwon-Do Academy is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Chief Instructor is Master Yeow Cheng Watt.

Taekwon-Do Association of Terengganu
Affiliated to ITF Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Taekwon-Do and Self-Defence Academy
Affiliated to Malaysia Global Taekwon-Do Federation. The Chief Instructor is Mr Johnson Y. C. Kong.

Perak Taekwon-Do Association
Affiliated to ITF Malaysia

Penang State Taekwon-Do Association
Under Master Choong Teck Hong. Affiliated to MGTF.

Perodua Taekwon-Do Club
Instructor: Mr. Noordin Khalid.

Langkawi Taekwon-Do Academy
This site is in Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language).

WSB Martial Art Academy
Affiliated to ITF Malaysia.

Recommended Site

Reid's ITF Taekwon-Do Dojang, Canada
Many articles from The Taekwon-Do Encyclopaedia: Charter of Taekwon-Do, Competition, Definition of Taekwon-Do, General Knowledge, History of Taekwon-Do, Mental Effect, Moral Culture, Origins of Martial Arts, Philosophy, Physical Fitness, Practice Suit, System of Rank, Tenets, Terminology, Theory of Power, Training, Training Secrets. There are also step by step photographs of pattern movements.

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Disclaimer: While every attempt is made to keep this site's information accurate and up-to-date, there is no guarantee that it always will be. Unless otherwise stated, the site information does not represent any Taekwon-Do group or organisation.